This privacy policy applies to the Better Folow Flo Company's website located at the following address:

This privacy policy aims to inform users of the Site:

  • How their personal data is collected and processed. Personal data is any data that could identify a user, including first and last names, age, postal address, email address, user location, and IP address;
  • What rights users have regarding this data;
  • Who is responsible for processing the collected and processed personal data;
  • To whom this data is transmitted;
  • The Site's policy regarding cookies.

This privacy policy supplements the legal notices and General Terms of Use that users can consult on the website:


In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of European Regulation 2016/679, the collection and processing of users' data on the Site comply with the following principles:

  • Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency: data can only be collected and processed with the user's consent. Whenever personal data is collected, the user will be informed that their data is being collected and for what purpose;
  • Limited purposes: data is collected and processed to fulfill one or more specific objectives;
  • Data minimization: only the necessary data for the proper execution of the objectives pursued by the Site is collected;
  • Data retention limited in time: data is kept for a limited period, which the user is informed of. When this information cannot be communicated, the user is informed of the criteria used to determine the retention period;
  • Integrity and confidentiality of collected and processed data: the data controller commits to ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the collected data;

To be lawful, in accordance with the requirements of Article 6 of European Regulation 2016/679, the collection and processing of personal data can only occur if they comply with at least one of the conditions listed below:

  • The user has expressly consented to the processing;
  • The processing is necessary for the proper execution of a contract;
  • The processing meets a legal obligation;
  • The processing and collection of personal data are necessary for the legitimate and private interests pursued by the data controller or a third party.



The UNICORN FLOAT company may collect personal data directly from you or indirectly through third parties. In accordance with the principle of minimization, UNICORN FLOAT only collects data necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

The different categories of data collected during the user's subscription and in the context of using the services or applications are as follows:

  • Identification data (including name, first name);
  • Contact data (including postal or email address);
  • Connection data (including IP address of your computer, connection and usage logs);
  • Financial data (payment methods and history);
  • Commercial data (list of products and services you benefit from);
  • Location data;
  • Content data.

The data controller will keep all collected data in the Site's computer systems under reasonable security conditions for 10 years.


The Site is hosted by Rapidenet, 3 Rue Flaubert Suite 8 J5R 0E9 Candiac, Quebec Site,

The Site's data is hosted in a European Datacenter.



Your personal data is collected and processed solely on the legal bases provided by the Regulation:

  1. For the execution of a contract:
  • Order management;
  • Client identification;
  • Communications with the Client (technical and commercial support);
  • Management of pre-litigation, litigation, and unpaid invoices;
  • Management of rights and requests for exercising individuals' rights;
  • Provision and operation of services;
  • Third-party service billing;
  • Client data hosting;
  • Administration and management of Services.
  1. For legitimate interests or, where applicable, based on your consent:
  • Fraud prevention and debt collection;
  • Enrichment and valorization of the Transferor or Transferee/prospect database;
  • Providing localized content and personalized recommendations based on usage analysis;
  • Product and service development or third-party and commercial prospecting;
  • Statistical studies, analyses, and audience measurements;
  • Network security.
  1. To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations as defined by current legislation.




The person responsible for processing personal data is Mr. Florent Verney

Address: avenue henri deschamps, 01700 Miribel, France



The data processing responsible commits to protecting the collected personal data, not transmitting it to third parties without informing the user, and respecting the purposes for which this data was collected.

Additionally, the data processing responsible commits to notifying the user in case of rectification or deletion of the data, unless this would result in disproportionate formalities, costs, and steps for him.

If the integrity, confidentiality, or security of the user's personal data is compromised, the data processing responsible commits to informing the user by any means.


In accordance with the regulations concerning personal data processing, the user has the following rights.

To have the data processing responsible fulfill their request, the user must provide: their first and last names and email address, and if relevant, their account or personal space or subscriber number.

The data processing responsible must respond to the user within 30 (thirty) days maximum.


To request the limitation of the processing of their data or to object to the processing of their data, the user can contact the Company and explicitly state their request:

  • By email to:
  • By registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to: Better Follow Flo, avenue Henri deschamps, 01700 Miribel, France

1) Right of access, rectification, and right to erasure

The user can access, update, rectify, or request the deletion of data concerning them.

2) Right to limit and oppose data processing

The user has the right to request the limitation or object to the processing of their data by the Site, without the Site being able to refuse, unless it demonstrates legitimate and compelling reasons that may prevail over the user's interests, rights, and freedoms.

3) Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679, the user has the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing if the decision produces legal effects concerning them or significantly affects them in a similar way.

4) Right to determine the fate of data after death

It is reminded that the user can organize the fate of their collected and processed data after their death, in accordance with Law No. 2016-1321 of October 7, 2016.

5) Right to contact the competent supervisory authority

If the data processing responsible decides not to respond to the user's request, and the user wishes to contest this decision, or if they believe that one of their above-mentioned rights is being infringed, they are entitled to contact the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés, ) at the following address:

  • CNIL – 3 place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 Paris cedex 07



This privacy policy can be consulted at any time on the Site.

The Site publisher reserves the right to modify it to ensure its compliance with the law in force.

Therefore, users are invited to regularly consult this privacy policy to stay informed of the latest changes.

However, in case of a substantial change to this policy, the user will be informed in the following manner:

By email to the address provided by the user.

It is brought to the user's attention that the last update of this privacy policy was on November 17, 2020.




You can contact UNICORN FLOAT at: Better Follow Flo, avenue henri deschamps, 01700 Miribel, France or send an email to:

8.2 Complaints

If a User believes that their data protection rights have been violated by UNICORN FLOAT, they can file a complaint with the authority responsible for overseeing data protection. The French authority responsible for overseeing data protection is the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).

8.3 Right to non-discrimination for exercising your privacy rights

Users will not be discriminated against by UNICORN FLOAT for exercising their rights granted by this Privacy Policy.



By using or accessing the UNICORN FLOAT Site, Users consent to the use of Cookies by UNICORN FLOAT as described below.

9.1 Use of Cookies  

This article aims to clarify the circumstances under which cookies may be sent to visitors' computers on the Site.     

"Cookies" are text information sent by a website to the user's hard drive or any other web browsing device to store certain information.

Cookies allow a Site to store information necessary to make your browsing more comfortable.             

A cookie usually contains the name of the domain that issued it, its "lifetime," and a unique identifier in the form of a randomly generated number or other type.             

Some cookies will be used on the Site, whether the User is logged into their account or not. 

Session cookies are temporary cookies stored in the browser's cookie file until the User leaves the Site.

Persistent cookies are stored much longer in the browser's cookie file (the storage duration of the cookie depending on its lifetime).         

UNICORN FLOAT uses cookies for the following purposes:   

  • Site Usage: to help us recognize your browser as that of a previous visitor and to record the preferences you set during your previous visit to the Site. For example, we can record your login information so that you do not have to log in each time you visit the Site;
  • Social Networks: The purpose of these cookies is to make the Site more user-friendly and interactive, allowing you to interact with social networks. They are useful for checking if you are logged into third-party services (Facebook, Twitter, Google+...);
  • Targeting: to allow us to target (emailing, database enrichment) retrospectively or in real time the internet user browsing our Site;
  • Audience Measurement: to track the Site's usage statistics (i.e., the use of the Site by users and to improve the Site's services) and to help us measure and study the effectiveness of our online interactive content, features, advertisements, and other communications.


9.2. How does UNICORN FLOAT use Cookies on its Website ?

UNICORN FLOAT uses cookies, web beacons, and other storage technologies from third-party partners such as Google and Facebook to provide measurement services and optimize ad targeting, as well as for marketing purposes. Users will encounter them when accessing the UNICORN FLOAT Site or downloading or installing a UNICORN FLOAT application. 

UNICORN FLOAT uses cookies to analyze user activity to improve the website and related applications.     

UNICORN FLOAT may use cookies to identify general trends, such as the average number of job searches performed by users. The information collected from these analyses will be used to improve the operation and user experience of the UNICORN FLOAT Site.   

Furthermore, UNICORN FLOAT uses cookies to collect certain user information, such as browser type, server, language preference, and country settings, to record user preferences and make their user experience more consistent.      

For example, UNICORN FLOAT may store in a cookie the searches that Users perform so that they can easily relaunch them upon returning to our Site, or so that UNICORN FLOAT can suggest profile information.          

Additionally, UNICORN FLOAT uses cookies to maintain Users' login status when they repeatedly visit the Site.            

UNICORN FLOAT may also use Users' IP addresses to determine their location (city or postal code) and present them with the most relevant search results.         

UNICORN FLOAT uses cookies, web beacons, and other storage technologies from third-party partners such as Google to provide measurement services and optimize ad targeting, as well as for marketing purposes.        

UNICORN FLOAT may also share information about Users' behavior on the Site with third parties (including third-party website operators) to present Users with targeted advertisements and other content tailored to their profile. 

Users have the right to object to the legitimate use of their Personal Data for marketing purposes. To disable the collection and use of their data for ad targeting or to exercise any other rights, Users are asked to exercise their rights as described in the aforementioned sections of this Privacy Policy.            

UNICORN FLOAT uses cookies to limit certain types of cyberattacks.            

UNICORN FLOAT uses cookies to ensure Users have a consistent experience to improve the offered features and products.

UNICORN FLOAT also uses cookies to improve the Platform's performance and reliability.          

Cookies are similarly useful when UNICORN FLOAT investigates fraud cases and conducts investigations.

9.3 Managing Cookies from the Web Browser         

Users can also manage the placement of cookies through their browser.           

To adjust the cookie settings, Users must first delete the cookies placed by the Site on their browser. 

They must then visit UNICORN FLOAT and click on the cookie settings button in the cookie policy section or interact with the cookie pop-up window displayed on the Site to make the necessary adjustments.              

Users can easily delete and manage the cookies placed in their browser's cookie directory by following the instructions provided by their browser developer. Users can choose to accept all cookies, reject them systematically, or select those they accept based on their issuer.

Users can find a link below redirecting them to the instructions provided by the developers of the main browsers on the market.        

If a User's browser is not listed above, the User is invited to consult the documentation provided by their developer. 

Users can also refer to their mobile device documentation for more information on disabling cookies on their device.       

If a User disables all cookies, they may no longer be able to take advantage of all the Site's features.  

Google Analytics cookies help us distinguish between different users and evaluate the frequency of visits by a particular user, how they arrived at our Site, and their activity on our Site.  Google has developed a tool (How Google uses data from sites or apps that use its services) that provides information to visitors of a website that relies on Google services and offers them different options for data collection.

9.4. List of Cookies

To obtain the complete list of cookies installed by the Site, please see the section below:

_session_id, unique session identifier, allows Shopify to store information related to your session (referrer, landing page, etc.).

_shopify_visit, no data retained, persists for 30 minutes from the last visit. Used by the internal statistics tracking system of our website provider to record the number of visits.

_shopify_uniq, no data retained, expires at midnight (depending on the visitor's location) the following day. Calculates the number of visits to a store by a unique customer.

cart, unique identifier, persists for 2 weeks, stores information related to your shopping cart.

_secure_session_id, unique session identifier

storefront_digest, unique identifier, undefined if the store has a password, it is used to know if the current visitor has access.

Our partner companies do not have the right to collect, process, or use personal data from our website through cookies. However, we would like to introduce the following partner companies that use cookies on our website and/or collect usage data.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics, a service to analyze our website provided by Google Inc. ("Google"), 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google Analytics also uses cookies (see above). The information obtained by the cookies related to your use of the site (including your IP address) is transmitted to a Google server in the United States and stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, produce reports for the provider on website activity, and provide other services related to website and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties as required by law or as far as these third parties process the data on behalf of Google. Google will not connect your IP address with any other data held by Google.

Facebook Plugins

Social plugins from Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA ("Facebook") are used on our website. These plugins are identified by the Facebook logo or the phrase "Facebook Social Plugin." You can find an overview of Facebook plugins and their appearance here. When you visit a page on our website that contains such a plugin, your browser establishes a direct connection with Facebook's servers. The plugin content is transmitted directly to your browser by Facebook and integrated into the page. As a result, Facebook receives the information that your browser has accessed the corresponding page of our website, even if you do not have a Facebook profile or are not logged into Facebook. This information (including your IP address) is transmitted directly to a Facebook server in the USA and stored there. If you are logged into Facebook, Facebook can immediately link your visit to our website with your Facebook profile. When you interact with the plugins, such as by clicking the "Like" button or leaving a comment, this information is also transmitted to a Facebook server and stored there. Furthermore, this information can be (according to your privacy settings on Facebook) published on your Facebook profile and shown to your Facebook friends. The purpose and scope of data collection and processing and use by Facebook, as well as your rights and options for protecting your privacy, can be found in Facebook's privacy policy. If you do not want Facebook to immediately link the data collected on our website to your Facebook profile, you must log out of Facebook before visiting our website. You can also completely prevent Facebook plugins from loading with add-ons for your browser.


Instagram features are integrated into our online store. These features are provided by Instagram Inc. ("Instagram"), 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA.

If you are logged into your Instagram account, you can link the content of our pages to your Instagram profile by clicking the Instagram button. This allows Instagram to associate your visit to our pages with your account. As a page provider, we do not know the content of the data that is transmitted, nor how it is used by Instagram.

For more information, you can consult Instagram's privacy policy.

Use of Google Adwords Conversion-Tracking

We use the Google Adwords online advertising program and Google Adwords Conversion-Tracking. This conversion tracking is a service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"), 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. When you click on an ad served by Google, a cookie is placed on your computer for conversion tracking. These cookies expire after 30 days and do not contain personal data, so they cannot be used to identify individuals.

If you visit certain pages of our site and the cookie has not yet expired, we can recognize (with Google) that you clicked on the ad and were redirected to this page. Each Google Adwords customer receives different cookies. This way, cookies cannot be tracked across the websites of Adwords customers.

The information collected using conversion cookies is used to generate conversion statistics for Adwords advertisers who have opted for conversion tracking. They tell clients the total number of users who clicked on their ads and were redirected to pages tagged for conversion tracking. However, advertisers do not receive information that personally identifies users.

If you do not wish to participate in tracking, you can opt out by disabling the installation of cookies through your web browser settings (disable option). You will not be included in the conversion tracking statistics.

For more information on Google's privacy policy, please consult the following pages:

Google's privacy policies and terms of use

Google's privacy policy

Facebook Pixels

This site uses the "Custom Audiences" remarketing feature of Facebook Inc. ("Facebook"). This allows us to present targeted ads to visitors to our site based on their interests on the social network Facebook ("Facebook Ads"). For this purpose, a retargeting tag is implemented on our website. This tag establishes a direct connection to Facebook's servers when you visit the website. The information about your visit to the website is transmitted to Facebook's servers. Facebook then associates this information with your personal Facebook account. For more information on data collection and use by Facebook, as well as your rights and privacy protection options, please consult Facebook's privacy policy. You can also disable the "Custom Audiences" feature here. For this, you must be logged into Facebook.

In the context of retargeting banners and advertising campaigns, we use third-party services that place cookies on our site. Here is the list:

- Doubleclick by Google, Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

- Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA

- Criteo CIL, 32 Rue Blanche, 75009 Paris, France

Although UNICORN FLOAT regularly updates this list, the names of cookies, pixels, and other technologies are subject to change. Users can disable these cookies at any time by clicking on the consent banner above and following the instructions provided.

9.5 Modification of this Cookie Section

UNICORN FLOAT invites Users to note the "Last updated" date at the top of this Privacy Policy to know when this cookie section was last modified. Any modification will take effect on the "last updated" date indicated at the top of the page. By using the Site or providing personal information following these changes, Users accept the new version of the cookie policy. If UNICORN FLOAT uses personal data collected through the Site in a significantly different way from what was stated at the time of collection, UNICORN FLOAT will inform users by email and/or by posting a notice on its Site within 30 days before such use, or by any other means required by law.

Don't hesitate to contact our team

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