Which Pool Float to Choose for an Infant (Between 1 and 6 Months)?

Summer is in full swing, the sun is out, and your summer vacation has finally arrived! We all look forward to this time with impatience and excitement because it means good times, family bonding, and relaxation ☀️

This season is even more anticipated when your little one has just been born. After this wonderful event, parents often have many legitimate questions about how to entertain their baby and the best ways to support their physical and psychological development.

During the summer, aquatic activities are popular among young children as they allow them to play outdoors and explore a new environment. But at what age is it recommended to introduce your little one to swimming? How can you ensure their safety with an infant float? We will answer these questions in this exclusive article, written by the editorial team at UnicornFloat.com

The Advantages of an Infant Pool Float

According to perinatal specialists, an infant is between 1 and about 6 months old. At this age, the baby starts to feed normally and is no longer exclusively breastfed or formula-fed.

Pool and water games are activities full of benefits for your baby. Equipped with a secure inflatable float, discovering water becomes very rewarding for the child:

  • Aquatic and physical awakening👶: the earlier the child discovers their body, the more natural physical abilities they will have.
  • Ideal learning to swim 🏊: the infant float is an adequate tool for learning to swim safely and confidently.
  • Peace of mind for parents ✔️: although each parent must play the role of lifeguard during every swim, closely watching their child, the swim ring adds an extra layer of security, reassuring for parents.

infant pool float

Between 1 and 6 months, only the pool float allows your little one to learn to swim. Swimming armbands, swim vests, and floating swimsuits are intended for older children, from 2 to 3 years old. The child needs to be comfortable in the water before using these types of floats.

You can also check out our other articles on inflatable baby floats:

Precautions to Take Before the First Swim with an Infant Float

Before taking the first swims, make sure to consult your doctor to ensure there are no contraindications. Generally, baby swimming sessions start from the 4th month, after the first two DTPolio vaccinations are completed. This gives a more precise idea of when to start these aquatic activities for your baby.

Before the 4th month, your baby is more prone to infections, so these pool games should be avoided as a precaution. However, you can start with baths in a bathtub before moving to a public pool. This will prevent potential problems related to infections and germs.

Additionally, it seems obvious, but parents should closely monitor their little one while swimming. No swim should be done without close supervision by an adult (even if the baby is equipped with a float. Physical products are not infallible).

The Best Floats for Infants

Once these precautions are taken and you have received the green light from your doctor, all that's left is to choose the best pool float for your infant. Before 6 months, 3 types of models will be interesting. Let's see which ones below.

The Neck Float for Infants

A neck float for babies is a flotation accessory shaped like a donut that fits around the baby's neck. The float keeps the baby afloat vertically from the neck. This particular feature defines the uniqueness of a neck float compared to a conventional float.

This format can be intimidating, and that's understandable. This is why the neck float created controversy a few years ago. Since then, many specialists have approved this concept and use it themselves in their activities with young children.

This is the case with Alexandra Goldstaub, a baby physiotherapist and creator of Symbiosis (therapeutic spa).

The neck float is suitable for babies up to about 12 months. The benefits are numerous:

  • Total body immersion: flipping over is impossible, thus limiting the risk of drowning.
  • Many non-inflatable neck float models or "puncture-proof" neck floats are available in our online store.
  • Unmatched stability and buoyancy compared to other formats, always thanks to complete body immersion (this is also why this model is preferred for the youngest, from 3 months, 6 months, 8 to 12 months).
baby neck float collection

The Infant Seat Float

Unlike the previous model, the infant seat float allows the child to be in a reassuring seated position. They float peacefully on the water's surface and can move around by kicking their legs. They discover the full potential of their body safely.

Manufacturers have understood the success of these formats and now offer many fun and original designs:

  • Flamingo seat float with sunshade,
  • Elephant seat float,
  • Swan-shaped seat float,
  • Baby sitting float…

Discover all our infant seat floats (up to 6 months) by clicking the link below and filtering by tag, according to your child's age and the desired model type (animals, food, with or without sunshade...):

baby seat float collection

The Infant Swimmer Float

This type of float is specifically dedicated to learning to swim. The baby is in a natural swimming position at 40°, reminiscent of the crawl or breaststroke. This allows them to explore the aquatic environment in the best and most realistic way.

These baby swimmer floats are stable and usually equipped with an integrated sunshade for effective UV protection.

baby swimmer float

UnicornFloat.com Tip: choose a puncture-proof model, like the baby float with sunshade. This eliminates the risk of punctures and adds extra safety.

In Conclusion… Choose Your Infant Pool Float

Before ending this article, we want to advise you on the criteria to check before buying an infant float up to 6 months. Ensure the product is US certified and made of reinforced waterproof PVC or vinyl for good quality and durability.

Also, make sure the float has a universal anti-return air valve for quick inflation with an electric pump.

This article is coming to an end, and we sincerely hope it has helped you gain clarity and that you can now plan your baby's first swim and choose your infant float. See you soon!

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