What to Place Under a Frame Pool?

A swimming pool is a versatile installation available in various types. On the market, you'll find both in-ground and above-ground pools. Among the above-ground options, frame pools stand out as a popular choice for seasonal use. These pools feature a sturdy metal frame that supports a durable PVC liner, making them more stable and long-lasting compared to inflatable pools.

Why Is It Necessary to Prepare the Ground Under a Frame Pool?

Before setting up a frame pool, it is essential to prepare the ground. This step ensures certain safety measures are in place. The ground must be completely flat. Next, it is crucial to clear the ground of any stones or roots that might damage the liner. Lastly, the ground must be level: even a slight slope cannot accommodate a frame pool.

You can also refer to our article "what to place under an above ground pool” which complements this one, as well as articles like "how to dress up your frame pool" or "how to choose your frame pool"

what to place under a frame pool

Step 1: Choosing the Location

Before continuing this article, discover below the best frame pools on the market:


Whether you plan to install an Intex frame pool, a rectangular pool, or a round frame pool, it is essential to choose a location. Opt for a sunny spot to heat the pool water and enjoy a more comfortable swimming experience. Similarly, place the frame pool away from trees so that leaves don’t fall into the water.

Finally, choose a location near an electrical outlet, allowing you to connect the filtration system. It is also crucial for the location to be near a water source to facilitate filling.

Step 2: How to Prepare the Ground Under the Frame Pool

After choosing the location, you can proceed with ground preparation. At this stage, you need to follow specific steps to ensure a proper installation.

Tracing the Dimensions of the Frame Pool

The ground preparation begins with tracing the dimensions of the pool. Whether your frame pool is round or rectangular, it is essential to focus on the space it covers.

Cleaning the Area

Once the area is marked, remove 2 to 4 inches of soil. Next, clear away any grass to prevent uneven spots beneath the pool. Be sure to remove all rocks, roots, and plant debris to avoid damage to the pool liner while swimming or using the pool.

Leveling the Ground

This step involves flattening the pool area and making necessary arrangements. To check if the ground is flat, you can use a mason’s ruler or an electronic level.

Further, ensure there’s enough space around the pool to move freely. Also, install a small area for barefoot walking to avoid bringing dirt into the pool.

Step 3: Choosing the Coating Under the Frame Pool

It's impossible to install a frame pool directly on the ground. Therefore, you must install coatings under your pool.

how to install a frame pool

The Sand Bed

Sand is also one of the primary bases for installing a frame pool. To level the ground and stabilize the structure, apply a layer of sand about 1 to 1.5 inches thick. However, avoid using too much sand, as it may settle over time and no longer provide a stable, even surface for your frame pool. For added durability, you can mix in some pool filter sand, a bit of cement, and water to reinforce the base.

what to place under a frame pool

The Grass

If you prefer not to cover the ground with textile or sand, you can leave the lawn intact. However, you must take some precautions. Trim the lawn as short as possible and remove all plant debris and stones.

Be aware that once you dismantle the structure and remove the protective cover, the lawn portion will be:

  • Damaged by the pool's construction;
  • Discolored due to lack of sunlight;
  • Unable to regrow, etc.

The Concrete Slab

Ideal for large rectangular, oval, or round frame pools, the concrete slab provides a perfectly flat surface. Unlike a simple dirt floor, this support is better suited to handle the pool's weight and water volume.

Step 4: Floor Protection for Setting Up Your Frame Pool

The Geotextile

Suitable for various types of pools, the geotextile prevents the regrowth of plants that could tear the liner. Offering great swimming comfort, it resembles a carpet installed under pools. When installing it, treat it against bacteria and fungi. Also, ensure it's laid out properly to avoid bumps that might make swimming unpleasant.

The Ground Cloth

A ground cloth is an essential component when setting up a frame pool. Not only does it protect the pool base from potential damage caused by debris or sharp stones, but it also provides a smooth and flat surface for easy installation.

Additionally, a pool ground cloth can help prevent tears or punctures in the pool liner that might lead to leaks. It also provides some thermal insulation, reducing heat loss from the pool's bottom and helping to maintain a pleasant water temperature. It's crucial to choose a high-quality, durable ground cloth appropriate for the size of your frame pool to ensure its longevity and optimal performance.

This concludes our article. We hope it has helped you choose the type of support you can use for your frame pool.

Choose our animal pool floats to enhance the aesthetics of your frame pool.

Animal Pool FLOATS

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